Saturday, May 8, 2010

community gardens and plant therapy

Tucson Botanical Gardens - Michelle Conklin, Juliet Niehaus, and other folks - helped us make the connection last week between community gardens and horticultural therapy - may be there is some thing there for us as a congregation - a ministry involving plants and people who can no longer get easily to church, or other community activities... hmmm...

Meanwhile Christine Sine has got us all thinking about community gardens in Edmonds - she's advising the Church of the Beloved on starting a garden at Rosewood Manor - where they meet...

And together with the Beloved, St Alban's people are planning a springtime celebration next weekend, the Little Feast

Wondering how other folks have made connections between community gardens and other services to the community...


1 comment:

Phina Borgeson said...

In his book "Closing the Food Gap" Mark Winne quotes someone (who?) to the effect that the most important work in the phrase "community gardening" is not gardening.