Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Which to buy organic

I've been looking for the simplest iteration of which produce to buy organic, and which it's okay to buy conventional - for a pesticide residue and health perspective.

This would seem to be it:

You can download a printable wallet guide
so you don't have to come up with a mnemonic for the 12 items highest in pesticide residues, and the 15 lowest. Although it might be fun to come up with an anagram of their first initials. The dirties only have one vowel, though, so fat chance of an acronym there!

And yes, I Phone users, there's an app for that. The food lists, not making up acronyms...

1 comment:

Lori K said...

After downloading the guide, I was pleased that they also sent a nice wallet card and a magnet in the snail mail.