Friday, May 22, 2009

time to move those seedlings?

time to move those seedlings?


up here in the pacific northwest we are a few weeks behind, say, southern Arizona - the broom is blooming, not throwing allergens-rich seed....

tomatoes are the yearly challenge - finding a variety that will work well here


looking forward to the spirituality of gardening workshop with Christine Sine at Mustard Seed House ( on the 30th


Phina Borgeson said...

I expect a report on the conference. Don't you have a tomato variety there equivalent to "San Francisco Fog"?

John Leech said...

Quite a full day - Christine Sine led us in appropriate devotions, creation-centred, and in discussions on where we see spirituality and gardening intersecting - and on plants that grow well here, techniques for organic sustainable vegetable and fruit gardening, tools that work, etc.

John Leech said...

Check out Christine Sine's post on mustard seed at