Wednesday, July 14, 2010

CALL for fall

Last week I spent several days learning more about effective on-line teaching using the Moodle platform though the Graduate Theological Union (GTU). Just in time, as this fall I am offering a course through the Church Divinity School of the Pacific's (CDSP) Center for Anglican Leadership and Learning (CALL).

Food and Faith: the Spirituality of Sustainability

Scroll down here to check it out:

Some of my readers know that this blog started when I offered a similar course a few years back and didn't have enough takers for it to go. I decided at that time to aggregate resources and ideas here, for free to the whole world! Now that the world has been (Michael) Pollanated, it seems a good time to offer the course again. It's available for CEUs, which I hope will encourage church workers of various sorts to take it. I'll also be paying attention to the North American Association for the Diaconate's (NAAD) initiative on domestic poverty as I choose resources and optional resources to recommend. It's not just about ecological sustainability - actually I didn't pick the title! - but about environmental, economic and cultural resiliency in our food systems.

It feels like I now I need to go and makes some real alphabet soup.

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