So a few thoughts on dairy, particularly in my corner of the world.
The dairy business is in trouble - or at least stressed - here. Milk is still the second biggest crop ($-wise) after wine grapes. It's close to 90% organic in Sonoma County, too, partly because the price of organic milk is not controlled the way conventional milk is. But there are sustainability advantages beyond income ones. So what's the problem?
1)The growth rate of organic milk sales has slowed. One wonders if the appeal has reached most of those who can afford the higher prices.
2) According to Albert Strauss, at a recent Food System Alliance meeting, organic dairies behave the same way as conventional ones, upping production when prices slide, compounding the problem.
3) Some processors have moved away from our area, in search of a lower cost of doing business, leaving producers scrambling. (
I stopped buying Wallaby yogurt when I realized it was no longer sourcing milk here, and was now effectively Dannon. I buy local milk and make my own using mesophilic cultures., that is, at room temperature on the kitchen counter.)
We hear we need to reduce our consumption of animal products in our diets to make an impact on greenhouse gas generation, but we also need to think about the positive effect of organic and resilient dairies, and buy the products of our local ones. (That is, organic milk and other dairy products that carry the name of a local dairy or creamery, not a general brand.) The best of them improve the pastures they use, pay attention to water quality, etc. And did you know that organic cows live longer lives? Information in sources varies, but it seems CAFO milk cows live a maximum of six years, averaging four or so. Organic dairy cows can be productive members of a herd into the double digits, and have a maximum life span well into their teens.
You can read about Strauss dairy and creamery here:
And learn more about a family dairy near me, Beretta, here:
Meanwhile, make sure the milk you consume is doing not just your body, but the environment and your local economy, good.